Scam Alert!

Important Notice about Frauds!

Note that some days after you or your company has filed the application of a trademark, a patent or a design, before the Important Notice about Misleading LettersSpanish Patent and Trade Mark Office (OEPM), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) or the European Patent Office (EPO), you might receive one or various MISLEADING INVOICES and SCAM LETTERS coming from unlawful companies that request payment of fees for different IP matters, for example; for registration, for renewal, for being your right included in an “info-register”, for advertising your IP right or business name, etc. These letters appear to be official where Offices’ emblems, flags or logos are imitated so they attempt to trick and confuse the applicant-owner, but they have no connection with the Office and are scams, preying on the incautious applicant, who falls into the trap of paying the requested sum for nothing in exchange.

All details concerning the applicant and those from the right in question which has been applied for, are obtained online by scammers once they are published by each Register and made available to the public through the respective official IP bulletin or gazette.

There are also some Internet scammers, commonly located in Asia, who can email you informing you that they have received a petition by another entity to register a domain name under an Asian top level domain extension, containing your brand or business name, asking you for a high fee for registering your domain name on your behalf, rather than doing it in the name of the petitioner.

Warning! If you receive any invoice or letter asking you for money concerning your IP right (trademark, patent, design or domain name), please do contact us immediately and we can let you know whether this is genuine or fraudulent.